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Lavender Fields - Abstract Purple Original Stretched Canvas Wall Art Print


LAVENDER FIELDS - ABSTRACT PURPLE ORIGINAL STRETCHED CANVAS WALL ART PRINT This wall art is the perfect statement canvas print or art print, perfect for those looking for bold contemporary canvas prints for their spaces. It features a deep purple lavender field rendered in abstract style. It's a limited edition reproduction of an original artwork. Stretched Canvases: Extra Large - 90 x 120cm Large - 60 x 90cm Medium - 40 x 60cm Small - 20 x 30cm Our canvas is made of 80% polyester and 20% cotton mixture at 320gsm. It has high elasticity and abrasion resistance in dry and wet conditions and it is easy to clean and quick drying. The wooden internal frames are made of sustainable fir and have no smell, solid material structure, high intensity and long service life. The default thickness of the internal frame is 3cm depth. The canvases are printed with an Epson high definition printer, which will never fade and is environmentally friendly and non-toxic. The final canvas is waterproof and has UV protection, and can be cleaned with a wet cloth. Stretched Canvases with floating frames Extra Large - 75 x 100cm Large - 60 x 90cm Medium - 40 x 60cm Small - 20 x 30cm A floating frame is a great way to give your stretched canvas a gallery-quality look and feel and can elevate a simple print into a work of art. Our floating frames have a depth of 3.5cm with 0.8cm visible at the front. As standard, we offer the colours black, white, Natural and Oaktimber but other colours are available on request. Note - The Wall Art is custom made so you will receive your parcel 10 to 15 business days after placing your order. Please note we cannot cancel your order under any circumstance as it is personalised. The change of mind cancellation policy does not apply to this product.

SKU : 32425384542259

