Embark on the classic ship from the original 1979 Alien movie, captained by the brave Arthur Coblenz Dallas - the USCSS Nostromo! The iconic ship is a modified Lockmart CM-88B Bison M-Class star freighter. Captained by Arthur Dallas, the Nostromo was registered to the Weyland-Yutani Corporation. The ship's architecture, particularly its interior design, was inspired by the looming castles of classic gothic horror cinema. The USCSS Nostromo XL Edition model is replicated in exacting detail and measures an impressive 10 inches in length. Product features: Produced in a combination of Die-cast and high-quality ABS Plastic Hand-painted down to the smallest detail Length: Approx. 10 inches The perfect Die-cast replica for fans of sci-fi ships and the Alien movie franchises Bring home a piece of modern cinema history today! SKU: APSUK601 Material: Metal, ABS Plastic Language: English Manufacturer: Eaglemoss Collections Collection Name: Alien & Predator XL Ship Collection Edition Type: XL